XL Migration & Education Services Fees Structure

Our Fees

Fees Structure

At XL Migration & Education Services, we understand that choosing a professional and experienced migration agent is an important decision.

Therefore, we guarantee fair and reasonable fees that are attune with the latest market trend. Our fee structure is designed as per industry standards, ensuring the best value to our valued clients. Whether you require study abroad consultation or immigration and visa services, we have individual fee packages that meet unique needs of our clients.

Generally, we prefer fixed rate agreements, assuring you that we are focused on achieving your objectives as efficiently and quickly as possible. When you choose our fixed fee package, you can be assured of what our charges will be, helping you to keep control of costs and ensuring that there are no hidden charges along the way until your migration and visa is being approved. This fee structure is suitable for clients who want everything to be taken care of by our migration agents.

The final fees will depend on visa requirements and complexity of the case. Based on your requirements, you will receive a comprehensive written price quote mentioning all fees and charges you need to pay when applying for immigration and visa. You will also receive a total cost estimate, including all department charges, our fees and other costs involved in police clearances, medical translations, etc. A partial payment is required before work begins. The balance amount can be paid in installments through each step of the visa application process.

For clients who do not choose our fixed rate agreements, we review each immigration case individually and separately, and based on their own merits to consider client-specific situations and offer the best price quote. Our fees vary depending on the type of visa requirements, consultation and complexity of the case.

**Our fees exclude any processing fees payable to the Australian Department of Immigration, High Commission, English or medical test expenses, qualifications assessment by professional departments, etc.

Note: There are certain kinds of Immigration or Government fees, which are payable by the visa and immigration applicants directly to the Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection. The fees are applicable to process various types of visa or study abroad applications, and should be paid by the applicant directly to the government body. To know more about the fees that are payable to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Click Here.


A partial payment is required before work begins. The balance amount can be paid in installments through each step of the visa application process. You may pay by Cash at office, EFTPOS, Bank Transfer, Credit Card or Debit card.

Bank Details

Account Name: XL Migration and Education Services.
BSB: 066001
Account No: 11816562
Bank Name: Commonwealth Bank
Reference: Clients Name
Email: Email your receipt at info@xlmigration.com.au

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